Xtool X100 PAD Program SUZUKI Alivio Immo Key without PinCode

Xtool X-100 PAD can perform key programming, mileage adjustment, oil service light reset, timing belt service light reset, tire pressure warning light reset , EPB reset, throttle body reset, DPF reset, battery reset, steering angle calibration and OBD-II engine diagnosis etc. Here engineer will show you how to program SUZUKI Alivio immo key without pincode via X100 Pad key programmer.


Device: Xtool X100 PAD OBDII tablet key programmer

Vehicle: SUZUKI Alivio


Step 1: Prepare

Connect VCI Box with car OBDII port

Xtool X100 PAD Program SUZUKI Alivio Immo Key without PinCode

Switch ignition on and Power up X-100 Tablet to connect with VCI Box via Bluetooth

Xtool X100 PAD Program SUZUKI Alivio Immo Key without PinCode


Step 2: Choose vehilce model

Choose “IMMOBILIZATION” option on X100 PAD main screen

Then agree the Disclaimer

Xtool X100 PAD Program SUZUKI Alivio Immo Key without PinCode

Tap “SUZUKI” and choose “immobiliser”

Xtool X100 PAD Program SUZUKI Alivio Immo Key without PinCode

Xtool X100 PAD Program SUZUKI Alivio Immo Key without PinCode

Next, choose vehicle model. X100 support most Asian, Europea, America, China makes, here we choose suzuki Alivio

See also
Xtool X100 PAD Program Remote on Toyota Camry 2010+

Xtool X100 PAD Program SUZUKI Alivio Immo Key without PinCode


Step 3: Xtool X-100 PAD Program keys

Select “Program Keys(Free pincode)”

Xtool X100 PAD Program SUZUKI Alivio Immo Key without PinCode

X100 PAD will remind you after performing this function, all keys will be erased, tap “YES” to continue

Xtool X100 PAD Program SUZUKI Alivio Immo Key without PinCode

Due to we have switched ignition on, so here we just press OK

Xtool X100 PAD Program SUZUKI Alivio Immo Key without PinCode

It is communicating, wait for a while

Press OK to continue

Xtool X100 PAD Program SUZUKI Alivio Immo Key without PinCode

Program success!!! If you want you program another one, press YES to continue. If not, press NO to return

Xtool X100 PAD Program SUZUKI Alivio Immo Key without PinCode

Done! Now the key munber is 1

Xtool X100 PAD Program SUZUKI Alivio Immo Key without PinCode

Finally switch ignition off to complete the program, and click OK to exit the system

Xtool X100 PAD Program SUZUKI Alivio Immo Key without PinCode

Xtool X100 PAD Program SUZUKI Alivio Immo Key without PinCode

Total procedure will be carried out with 3 main steps within 5 minutes, very fast.

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