Autel IM508 2022 2023 Mazda CX-5 CX-9 Error Code Solution


Working on a Mazda CX9 2022, all keys lost. It requires incode to be put in. I use mazda service link with NASTF and it asks me for a serial number. Can someone tell me where do I find that number? Using Autel IM508. I only get VIN, Part number, error code, and Outcode, and nothing else. The same thing happens to a 2023/2022 Mazda CX-5.  The CX9 is the same as CX5.

Autel IM508 2022 2023 Mazda CX-5 CX-9 Error Code Solution

You’re missing the SN for the in code and out code Autel doesn’t pull it.

Smart pro worked. IM508/IM608 didn’t because it didn’t pull SN.

You still gonna need the NASTF code with the smart pro.

MDARS is gauranteed to work. $50 for 3 day sub, $100 for 30 day. You don’t even need NASTF. You will need to pay seperately for in code/out code but it’s possible.

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